laugh on the other side of one's mouth 意味

  • 《口語》 (笑っていたのが)急に泣き顔になる


        laugh out of the other side of one's mouth:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        laugh on the other side of one's face:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        laugh out of the wrong side of one's mouth:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        laugh out of the other side of one's face:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        have the laugh on one's side:    (先に笑われた者が)今度は笑う番になる
        cover one's mouth to stifle a laugh:    口を押さえて笑いをかみ殺す
        at each side of one's mouth:    口の両側に
        laugh on the wrong side of one's face:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        from one side to the other:    一方の側から他の側へ
        mutter out of the side of one's mouth:    口の端っこでブツブツと文句{もんく}を言う
        laugh out of the wrong side of one's face:    笑ったかと思えば泣く、笑っていたのに急にしょげる[泣き顔になる] Once the news gets out that Bill bought votes to win the election, he'll be laughing on [out of] the other [wrong] side of his mouth [face]. 選挙で勝つために票を買収していたことが公になれば
        exercise the other side of one's brain:    脳みその反対側{はんたいがわ}を訓練{くんれん}する[運動{うんどう}させる]
        favor one side at the expense of the other:    一方{いっぽう}に片寄る
        from one side of the body to the other:    体の一側{いっそく}[片側{へんそく}]から他側{たそく}へ[に]


  1. "laugh off one's pain"の英語
  2. "laugh off one's problem"の英語
  3. "laugh off one's stress"の英語
  4. "laugh off the teasing"の英語
  5. "laugh on the other side of one's face"の英語
  6. "laugh on the wrong side of one's face"の英語
  7. "laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth"の英語
  8. "laugh one's ass off"の英語
  9. "laugh one's cares away"の英語
  10. "laugh off the teasing"の英語
  11. "laugh on the other side of one's face"の英語
  12. "laugh on the wrong side of one's face"の英語
  13. "laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth"の英語

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